Robert Kirkman has been popular with this comic book crowd for a long time, but thanks to the critically acclaimed and ratings champion AMC program and award-winning video games from telltale studios, the walking dead has become a mainstream phenomenon. 由于AMC电视台那部备受欢迎的收视冠军剧集以及TelltaleStudios公司制作的获奖视频游戏,《行尸走肉》已经变成了一个主流现象。
His heart was pounding far more furiously than when the book had screamed-for he had seen not only himself in the mirror, but a whole crowd of people standing right behind him. 心跳得比刚才那本书尖叫时还要疯狂因为他在镜子里不仅看见了他自己,还看见一大堆人站在他身后。
That's more than enough to land a spot in the Guinness Book of Records and feed the hungry crowd that showed up. 这已经足以有机会载入吉尼斯记录,并喂饱出现的“饥肠辘辘”的围观群众。
The New York Times Book Review gives such books their own best-seller list so they won't crowd out the real books. 《纽约时报书评》给这类图书单独排了畅销书榜,以免它们把其他真正的书籍都挤出去。
But then again, people have been writing book reviews on Amazon for years for nothing – and punters can always say no. With perhaps a few lucky exceptions, the crowdsourcing model is unlikely to provide many crowd members with full-time employment. 但再想想,多年来,人们一直免费为亚马逊撰写书评而顾问还总是拥有否决权。除了一些幸运的例外情况,众包模式不太可能为很多参与者提供全职工作。
The book met with modest acclaim; he acknowledged the plaudits of the crowd; they gave him more eclat than he really deserved. 这本书得到适度的赞扬;他向人群答谢喝彩。
I cannot bear art that you can walk round and admire. A book should be either a bandit or a rebel or a man in the crowd. 我无法忍耐你环绕艺术,崇敬有加。一本书要就像强盗、或反叛者,要不就是群众中默默无名的人。